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Sterling Malory Archer

The Ace - Archer is the number one secret agent at ISIS.
The Anti-Hero - Archer is vain, an asshole, and childish but he is still the hero.
Momma’s Boy - Archer has an extremely dysfunctional love/hate relationship with his mother.
Psychopathic Manchild - extremely self-centered and often abuses his coworkers.
Pop-Cultured Badass - Archer’s lines often reference pop culture. (

Lana Kane
Action Girl - Proves to be just as competent as Archer
Hot-Blooded - Lana is easily angered, especially when her skills or attractiveness are called into question.
Sassy Black Woman - Constantly sasses her coworkers.
Only Sane Employee - Lana is the most competent member of ISIS along with Ray.
Demoted to Extra - In Season 5, Lana isn’t as active due to her being pregnant. (

Cyril Figgis
Extreme Doormat - Cyril is often the biggest pushover on the show.
Good With Numbers - He is the ISIS accountant.
The Scapegoat - When Archer does something illegal, he poses as Cyril who has to deal with the fallout.
Bully and Wimp - He is the wimp to Archer’s bully.
Badass Driver - Cyril is incredibly competent when piloting any vehicle. (

Malory Archer
Abusive Parent - The primary reason Archer is so messed up.
Mean Boss - Is constantly abusive towards her subordinates.
Racist Grandma - Often makes politically incorrect jokes at the expense of Irish, Blacks, and Japanese.
Lovable Sex Maniac - Archer’s father could be one of 5 different men. Slut.
Retired Badass - In flashbacks, Malory is seen to have been just as good of an agent as Archer or Lana. (

Cheryl Tunt 
Erotic Asphyxiation - Has a fetish for being strangled.
Lethally Stupid - Cheryl gets the group into multiple problematic situations from her sheer stupidity.
The Load - While everyone has their shining moments, Cheryl is more or less useless all around.
Rich Bitch - She is the heiress to a billion dollar fortune.
Sanity Slippage - Gets gradually more insane as the series progresses. (

Pam Poovey
Ascended Extra - Originally a minor character but becomes a mainstay in the later seasons.
Gossipy Hens - Pam consistently gossips about her fellow team members and releases sensitive information openly.
Made of Iron - Pam is hands down the toughest member of ISIS and the only human that has successfully defeated Barry.
Really Gets Around - Pam has slept around with the most amount of people at ISIS.
Badass Bisexual - One of the top badasses of ISIS and also has slept with both sexes on multiple occasions. (

“Doctor” Algernop Krieger
Mad Scientist - Krieger has created multiple experiments that border on inhumane.
Non-Action Guy - Is never really active in the central plot of an episode.
Omnidisciplinary scientist - Usually knows exactly what to do with any type of information. He knows just about everything, conveniently.
Psychopathic Man-child - Has tendencies. More psychopathic than man-child.
Token Evil Teammate - The only undeniably evil member of ISIS, albeit one of the few genuinely nice ones. (

Ray Gillete
Badass Gay - The team’s token gay and also a very efficient agent.
Camp Gay - Ray is fairly campy for the teams token gay.
Handicapped Badass - for a majority of Ray’s screen time, he is paralyzed from the waist down to to numerous accidents that happen to him.
Only Sane Man - The most reliable member of ISIS with no mental instabilities.
Disabled Snarker - Keeps up his sassy disposition even when he’s paralyzed. (

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